How To Contact Voltage Inc.

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Because I can’t stress this enough and people still can’t seem to get it in their head that they should not only complain if something really bothers them, but that they should also make their complaints known upfront to Voltage Inc. themselves.

*Let me say this now in the case that anyone missed the announcement. If you are trying to contact Voltage Inc. for customer support, DO NOT COMMENT ON THEIR FACEBOOK PAGE. They’ve already made it clear that their Facebook page IS NOT a support center and WAS NOT set up to handle customer service inquiries. If you have any questions or need help from the team, USE THE FORMS BELOW OR THE iOS EQUIVALENT. By doing so, you have a better and higher chance to get a reply and get your problems fixed. The Voltage Inc. team DOES NOT answer comments made on their Facebook page. (This does not apply to the Voltage Entertainment USA Inc. Facebook page. Voltage Entertainment does respond to comments on their page.)

So, taken from my previous post and added to, here are ways to contact Voltage Inc. and Voltage Entertainment USA Inc. (Just make sure you put in your e-mail address in the inquiry forms, since it’s not being redirected from inside the apps):

Last Update 9/11/14: Added Enchanted in the MoonlightFirst Love Diaries, and Finally, in Love Again, and Voltage Inc.’s Official Tumblr. If anyone can get me the My Romance e-mail addresses for iOS, I would really appreciate it!

NOTE: The inquiry forms and e-mail addresses are from the Android unless otherwise stated. If someone can get me the links for iUsers, then please do so!

Voltage Inc. games:

Voltage Entertainment USA Inc. games:

I have tried it and they do respond, so if you honestly want them to hear your opinion, LET. THEM. KNOW.

Let me also say this before anyone starts sending them e-mails about how they should stop with the Westernized art: STOP. NOW. I understand that you don’t like the Westernized style and would rather have the Japanese anime art style, but there IS  a market for the Westernized art style, and just because you don’t know or see people around you demanding it doesn’t mean that it’s not there. I’ve already expressed my opinion about this on tumblr, and I feel that if I go more into what I said, it’d be better to make it in it’s own post. So for now, I will just leave that link. But if you feel that you still have a problem with the Westernized art, please let them know how you think they can improve. Don’t just tell them to stop. If you prefer the original art over the Westernized art, then you, like it or not, are NOT their target audience.

If there are errors in the links or if there are broken links, please let me know so I can get them fixed.

February 20, 2013
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