K-Drama “12 Signs of Love” Thoughts (PART 1)

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This show centers on a woman named Mi-Roo who just got out of a bad relationship and can’t get her mind straight. At work she is assigned to a person who writes erotic relationship stories; they don’t know the writer’s name so they call her Sophia. Sophia unexpectedly disappears and leaves Mi-Roo without anything to turn in, which will cost her her job. Mi-Roo ends up writing her own story about her recent break up, which turns out to be a huge hit. Her boss loves it so much that they decide to name the column 12 Signs of Love Zodiac Erotic. Mi-Roo is now the new Sophia who has to write stories about relationships with 12 different guys in a year (one of each zodiac) .

The Ex

The Ex

Kim Da Hyun





I’m not finished watching the series yet but, it is really good! I like it other than Mi-Roo having sex with random guys (lol) but I gotta say, the guys she keeps running into are freaking HOTTTTTT!! But some are complete douche-bags (well at least the ones that I’ve already seen her date so far ha). I can not wait to see what will happen by the end of the series!! It’s sort of exciting to see if she stays with one of the guys or gets back with her recent ex-boyfriend since he seems to keep getting into her business ever since they broke up. He definitely still has feelings for her (HA).

Julian Kang


Kwang Soo




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September 27, 2013
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