SMITE Written In Stone Patch Notes, Medusa – 03/25/15



All monsters are hideous and fearful, but some are worse than others. There is only one whose hair is made of slithering serpents, only one with skin of scales, only one whose very gaze can turn man, beast, or god to stone. Medusa, the Gorgon.


Sidewinder - Passive
Sidewinder: Medusa suffers no movement penalty when side strafing and half of the movement penalty when moving backward.
Viper Shot - Q
Viper Shot: Medusa shoots out 3 vipers in rapid succession that poisons the targets hit dealing 10/18/26/34/42 (+15% of your Physical Power) as damage every 0.5s for 1.5s.
Cost: 40/45/50/55/60 mana.
Cooldown: 10 seconds.

Acid Spray - W
Acid Spray: Medusa hurls back and spits out acid that deals 90/135/180/225/270 (+70% of your Physical Power) as damage to the first target hit and sprays out acid in a cone behind them dealing damage to every enemy hit.
Cost: 70/75/80/85/90 mana.
Cooldown: 14 seconds.

Lacerate - E
Lacerate: Medusa quickly slithers forward grabbing and slashing the first enemy god she gets to dealing 120/150/180/210/240 (+80% of your Physical Power) as damage. The slash leaves the enemy reeling in pain, reducing their healing by 10/20/30/40/50% for 3s.
Cost: 85 mana.
Cooldown: 15 seconds.

Petrify - R
Petrify: Medusa removes her mask revealing her true face, delivering a powerful blast from her horrifying Gorgan gaze. Enemies Take 300/400/500/600/700 (+100% of your Physical Power) as damage and are stunned for 2s if they are looking at Medusa. Enemies not looking at medusa take half damage and are slowed by 50% for 3s. Enemy gods that are killed by Medusa’s gaze will turn into a stone statue and remain behind as a reminder to others.
Cost: 100 mana.
Cooldown: 90 seconds.

The Black Gorgon Medusa100 Gems

Cangaceiro Vamana200 Gems (Oracle Treasure Chest)

Cangaceiro Vamana
With Voice Pack

Liberté Athena200 Gems (Promotional Exclusive)

Liberté Athena
With Voice Pack
Wrath of Valhalla Thor250 Gems

Wrath of Valhalla Thor

Warforged Vulcan250 Gems

Warforged Vulcan


  • Box Cat Ward
  • Medusa Player icon

“With this patch we are starting an overhaul of the Clan system. Players in clans will now earn Honor, and clans will level up over time (outlined below). This is the first stage of the clan implementation, as we wanted players and clans to start earning Honor as soon as possible. In a future patch there will be achievements for players earning honor, as well as special unlocks for clans leveling.”

Joining Clans

  • “Open Joining” is now supported. Clans set to this join status will auto-accept any invitation request.
  • “Allows Application” is now supported. Clans set to this join status accept applications from players, but those applications must be approved.
  • “Invite Only” is now supported. Clans set to this join status can only acquire new members through direct application.

Searching Clans
There is a new system for searching clans that supports system “Recommended Clans” as a default option.

Clan Member Limits

  • Clans now start limited at 30 members, and gain the ability to add more members as they level.
  • Clans currently in the system are “Grandfathered” and can stay over the member maximum, but cannot add new members until there is space available.

Leaving Clans

  • A member must leave their current clan before applying to another.
  • A member leaving a clan retains all Honor Points they earned while in that clan, but will not start gaining Honor again until they join a new clan.
  • If the Clan Leader leaves the clan without manually assigning a new leader, the next highest ranked clan member who has been in the clan the longest is made the new Clan Leader.
  • A clan leader who has not been online in 21 days will automatically be demoted, and a new leader will be assigned as per the above rules.

Earning Honor
All honor earned is awarded both to the player, and to the clan they are in. You can only gain honor while in a clan. If a player leaves a clan, both the player and the clan retains the honor they gained. There are 4 ways to earn honor:

Winning: Every time a player wins a Normal (PvP) match of any game mode, they earn 10 Honor Points. Every time a player wins a League match of any game mode, they earn 20 Honor Points.
Party Bonus: Playing partied with another clan member increases the number of points earned:

  • Party of 2: 1.5x
  • Party of 3: 2x
  • Party of 4: 2.5x
  • Party of 5: 3x

1-Time Level Bonus: A player earns 10 Honor Points every time they gain a player level (max 300).
1-Time God Mastery Bonus: A player earns a 1-Time Honor Point reward each time they gain a mastery level on a god.

  • Mastery 1: 20 Honor Points.
  • Mastery 2: 40 Honor Points.
  • Mastery 3: 60 Honor Points.
  • Mastery 4: 80 Honor Points.
  • Mastery 5: 100 Honor Points.
  • Mastery 6: 120 Honor Points.
  • Mastery 7: 140 Honor Points.
  • Mastery 8: 160 Honor Points.
  • Mastery 9: 180 Honor Points.
  • Mastery 10: 200 Honor Points.

Clan Levels
As a clan earns Honor from it’s members, it will gain levels. In the future the were be special unlocks assigned to these levels.

Clan Quests
Each week clans will be given a quest their members can accomplish to earn bonus Honor for themselves and the clan.

  • Match Lobby has been updated.
  • God page has been updated.
  • Profile Loadout has been updated.
  • Added a Level modifier to Gods Stats page allowing players to see base values.
  • Improvements have been made to Emotes tab and has been moved under the Skins at the Gods page.
  • Fixed client freezes if you search on the profile screen with a space in the search bar.
  • Fixed 0/0/0 sometimes showing in match history.
  • Fixed incorrect settings applying when resetting Video settings without applying.
  • Fixed lag present when scrolling on the Worshippers tab in Profile.

Fixed players sometimes facing the wrong direction.
Font size has been slightly reduced.
Addressed an issue with whispers sometimes being sent to the wrong tab.
CoG Scylla landing page now has a counter showing $1 per every skin sold.
New queue videos have been added giving a brief map overview and explanation of the game type.
Death's Toll
Death’s Toll
Fixed mana points not being displayed over player.
Mail of Renewal
Mail of Renewal
Fixed passive working against Towers and Phoenix kills.
Shield of the Underworld
Shield of the Underworld
Fixed damage being reflected back from towers.
Fixed red fx appearing in lobby with Golden and Legendary skins.
Fixed the spear appearing below the pedestal in the match lobby.
Fixed sword and shield persisting after death.
Tusky underwent some obedience training, and Artemis is much happier for it. Artemis can now better control who Tusky charges at first.
Calydonian Boar: Added a 40 degree cone to the targeter allowing Tusky to prioritize targets within the cone.
Belch of the Gods: Fixed an old issue where players not in range of initial Burp would not have their screen shake. This affects allies and enemies.
Take Down: Fixed an issue where Bakasura would double leap.
Torrent: Fixed incorrect timer being displayed.
Fields of Love: Fixed player deployables blocking damage and crowd control.
Brutalize: Fixed the ability still following Hou Yi during Dive Bomb.
Hou Yi
Hou Yi
The build up on Ricochet added more difficulty to this ability, especially considering the inherent difficulty of bouncing the shot for multiple hits and we want players to focus more on the ricochet itself. We’ve removed the build up, and Hou Yi can now more fluidly execute the attack.
Ricochet: The build up on this ability has been removed.
Kumbha is getting a bit more love this patch, in the form of a small but significant change to using his Ultimate. While still covering the same distance, Epic Uppercut will travel much faster increasing the reliability of his ultimate charge.
Epic Uppercut: Adjusted time to complete charge from 0.7s to 0.4s, effectively making him charge faster.
Odin Icon
Ring of Spears: Fixed Odin being unable to use while touching collision.
Sentinel: Fixed incorrect timer being displayed.
Kobra’s Kiss: Fixed poison debuff icons stacking visually multiple times.
Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
Somersault Cloud: Fixed Decoy not being instantly killed by Banish and Knockups/backs.
The view from up above is quite magical, and occasionally even a warrior as stoic as Thor likes to take in the sights. This change just let’s Thor know when it’s time to get back to the killing. We are watching this quality of life change closely, and are considering adding the same treatment to other gods who take to the skies with a limited duration.
Anvil of Dawn: Added timer on the ground targeter indicating when the ability will expire and Thor will be forced to land.
Vamana Portrait
Clear the Path: Adjusted the FX treatment so it conveys the end of the duration more accurately.
Adjusted some lobby fx for the Footballer skins.
Rising Jaguar: The animation on Rising Jaguar has been updated to reduce the height that Xbalanque jumps during the animation to remove the illusion that he is doing an actual leap.
Ice Wall: Improved the accuracy of the wall stopping players.

March 26, 2015
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