[Samurai Love Ballad: PARTY] Fujibayashi Sakuya and Sarutobi Sasuke Starter Route

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(Please take into consideration that I haven’t completed this route using this guide, but these answers should be correct. If they are not, please feel free to let me know so that it can be corrected.)

Episode 1: The First Step
I. “I don’t know yet.” (For Sakuya)
II. “I want to see the truth with my own eyes.” (For Sasuke)

I. Quietly obey. (For Sasuke)
II. Hesitate. (For Sakuya)

Episode 2: Two Ninjas
I. “What’s this about ‘Sakutaro’?” (For Sasuke)
II. “I got lost.” (For Sakuya)

I. “I’ll have some.” (For Sasuke)
II. “I’ll pass.” (For Sakuya)

Episode 3: The Way to Victory
I. Stop Sakuya. (For Sakuya)
II. Protect Sasuke. (For Sasuke)

I. “Don’t say it like that.” (For Sasuke)
II. “I wanted to talk to you.” (For Sakuya)

April 16, 2018
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